Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Frequently Asked Questions on our 9 day cleanse

I’m interested in cleansing but I do not have weight to lose. I am already slim. I do not want to disappear.
If you have no weight to lose, you will not lose weight.  In fact getting rid of toxins helps the body absorb all the nutrients that may have previously been wasted.  The first two days of the programme is crucial and you have to stick to those, after that you may increase your calorie intake during days 3 to 9 if you are worried about weight loss.

Can I have the meal at lunch rather than dinner?
Sure you can, swap out the entire slot though. Move the entire lunch regime to dinner and the entire dinner regime to lunch.

I cannot eat the entire 600 calorie meal in one go. Can I split it?
I would avoid doing it but if you are like me and barely eat 600 calories even not on the Clean 9 then yes. Split into no more than two though.  Light snack (200 calories) and have the rest of the 400 calories at dinner) or lunch if you are making the swap).

I am lactose intolerant; can I mix the shake with water?
Milk has calories and nutrients that are vital so I would suggest a lactose free option such as rice milk or soya maybe.  I do have customers who have used water though, but again, not the first option.

Will I be glued to the toilet?
Other than to constantly pass urine constantly, no.  In fact the Gracinia has iron in it and can constipate you if your water intake in not sufficient.  For those prone to constipation make sure to order a pro-biotic as well.  Our bodies were not meant to purge. I attended a meeting at Cancer Society where it was actually mentioned that colon cancer is on the rise because people purge so often in an attempt to lose weight.

The book says 4ozs of aloe and 8ozs of water. Do they mean to mix the two?
NO!!!  Shoot the aloe straight. Block your nose and one big gulp. Then have your water. I find that it is easier to sip the water throughout the day rather than gulp 80zs after gulping the aloe.  Water is the secret ingredient though; the more water, the easier the programme.

Does the products contain animal gelatin?
The Garcinia’s capsule is made with beef gelatin. You can simply open the capsule and swallow the powdered contents.

I am allergic to honey, will I be able to take the bee pollen?
You may or may not. If you are deadly allergic I won’t even test it. You can replace the Bee Pollen with Gin-Chia.  It is a few dollars more, so speak to your distributor.

Can I do the Clean 9 while breast feeding?
You will have to do it without the Garcinia, which is your appetite suppressant. Of course, you still need to pass it by your doctor first, but I know of many that have gotten the all clear and made it through without the Garcinia.

Does the Clean 9 clash with any meds?
Yes, if you are on meds for high blood pressure. Make sure to consult your doctor. You can omit the Garcinia just as nursing women do. Again, make sure to consult your doctor. We are not doctors; we are only trained in our products.

I am very heavy, how can I still exercise as recommended?
There are many exercises that you can do if you are very heavy. You can get yourself a noodle and go for a walk in the pool.  A stroll in the park is still exercise. Do not fall into the trap that because you are not sweating and running like crazy you are doing nothing.  A little movement is better than no movement. Do not be pressured into exercising that you are pressured right out of it.  I personally work out alone for that very reason. I rather do 1 minute of intense work out than do none. If a minute is all I can make then that’s what I’d do.  Eventually I will reach to five minutes and then to ten.  You can do it. We will help!

I cannot afford the entire Clean 9, what are my other options?
Well to be honest, if you still think you can’t afford it then you have not done enough research into the cost of being overweight or overtoxined.  How much weight did you lose last year and how much did you spend throughout the entire year trying? How much do you spend on meds for allergies, meds for sleeping disorders, meds for everything else that comes with being un-healthy?

There are those that genuinely cannot afford a basic meal much less being healthy, for those we suggest getting a group together and your distributor will come by and do a product presentation for you; two or three if needed. The commission from any sales made in those evenings is yours to count towards your Clean 9.

And of course there is also the gift certificate. Get a few friends to give you small certificates and they all add up.

What’s the next step? How do I make sure to keep off the weight?
The next step will depend on you. Have a chat with your distributor and they will suggest the best way forward based on your needs and your budget.  I do not move forward with anyone unless they continue to drink the Aloe.  Many people like using the meal replacement shake as maintenance or the Garcinia.  Understanding that toxins are the root cause of fat will help you understand why the Aloe must be your first point of maintenance. You must keep your body clean first and then add any other product to your maintenance regime.  I take pride in my work. I love when my customers can give my name after someone has asked what they have been doing.  If you use my stuff incorrectly and do not get the results then you will give me a bad name ultimately.


Monday, 3 February 2014

Pre-Cleanse advice

1. Cut right back on caffeine and booze - it is the withdrawal from these that can cause headaches in the first few days - if you can stop completely for at least 4 days before that would be better

 2. Start doing the 30 minutes exercise a day (or more) for at least 5-7 days before you start to get into the habit of it.

3. Up your water intake to 2 litres a day, you can do this by replacing hot drinks with hot water and lemon and taking a 1 litre bottle of water to work. ALWAYS start your day by drinking a large glass of water.
4. Practice making some 600 calorie or lower meals for days 3-9

5. Get use to the taste of aloe: the kit contains enough aloe for you to drink 2ozs every morning for 3 days before you start.

6. Gradually increase your bee pollen intake to reach the suggested amount. ¼ three times a day… ½ three times a day. ..1 three times a day… Start Clean 9.

5. Girls…Start just after your period. 

Our nine day cleanse in a snap shot

Our Clean 9 is a 9 day plan whereby your body is gently cleansed of harmful

chemicals and built up waste matter .

The 1st 2 days require will power like any other diet! You only have what’s provided

in the pack,  plus skimmed milk, and NO food for the 1st 2 days, however,

you do have a thick nutritious, filling, vanilla or chocolate shake - so it’s not like you

have nothing.  The shake contains all the right balance of vitamins, minerals,

carbohydrates and proteins that  you need to ensure that you are totally supported

nutritionally throughout.

The initial ‘cleanse’ is a result of drinking a small amount of pure Aloe Vera gel drink 4 times per day, which again is packed with over 78 nutrients naturally and gently cleanses the body - promoting a healthy gut and regulating/boosting your metabolism.

The plan also contains 2 supplements to help you cope. ‘Garcinia’, which helps to quell the appetite and reduce cravings so that you don't feel like you need to snack or binge. N.B The least common thing that people feel on Clean 9 is hunger!

The other supplement is Bee Pollen which is a nutritional super food in itself boasting a mega dose of vitamins and minerals to give you a boost. Bee pollen has been nick named 'legal speed' due to its super energy giving qualities!

30 minutes of exercise per day is recommended, even if it’s a walk!

The plan comes with a complete guide and meal planner and you would have my total support throughout. I
will contact you regularly to ensure you are doing well and that you are on track to hit your weight loss goal. You will have my contact number as well so you can contact me at any time. You will also have access to our private face book group for additional support.

The plan enables you too safely lose around 7-14lb, although results vary from person to person!

It is endorsed by doctors as a sensible safe plan and is nutritionally sound thanks to it being developed by a nutritionist.

The best part is, you'll feel amazing after! Full of energy and life, your skin will glow and you’ll feel ‘clean’. You'll achieve a new attitude towards food and dieting plus, the weight will stay off thanks to it not being a crash diet

Is our excess fat just trying to save us from deadly diseases?

Although it may seem strange - fat is actually saving your life! The body retains fats as a way to protect the vital organs in the body from the toxins that we ingest (and create through stress). It is literally a last resort, life saving action to hang on to fat. However, this should give you some indication as to how harmful these toxins must be as to retain fat as a defense mechanism the bod...y must be fairly desperate - as we all know - excess fat leads to a whole host of other degenerative conditions and diseases!

Even though the body is constantly in a flux of its own cleansing, due to the modern diet, our heightened daily stresses, the toxic chemicals we ingest daily, many times subconsciously, and the increase in chronic degenerative diseases the body often needs a helping hand to be cleansed so that it can work more effectively to eradicate these toxins from the body. When we cleanse the body of toxins, we give the body a chance to repair and strengthen itself - and when the toxins disappear, guess what happens to the protective layer of fat...yes, that disappears too!

Our nine day aloe based cleanse provides a safe, natural, non-purgative method of cleansing the body. Many of our clients have lost as much as three inches of their waist using the programme. In 2013 alone our support group grew by one thousand persons, all attesting to the fact that our cleanse has helped their insomnia, diabetes , skin and overall health. Free advice and ongoing support is provided to all our customers. If you would like more information we’d be delighted to have a private chat with you at your convenience or you can inbox us. Here’s to a happy, healthy 2014!