Saturday 22 November 2014

The truth about Aloe

If you're Trini then chances are your grandmother gave you a “cleaning” by forcing fresh aloe down your throat which almost instantaneously sent you running to the bathroom. It's no wonder that we were also told that "too much aloe not good."  It causes your blood to thin "they" say and I can go on all day listing the number of old wives tales told about this plant, but with over 150 nutritional ingredients certainly someone needs to defend it and set the record straight.  Without going into too many scientific details and leaving you with a headache of course.

Did you know that there are over 250 types of Aloe Plants but only 5 have medicinal purposes and the white spotted one found in TnT is merely for decoration.

Humans require 22 amino acids, 8 of which we depend on food for as our body does not produce them.  Aloe has all 8.

The main enzymes found in Aloe help break down sugars and starches, stimulate the immune system, are analgesic and anti-inflammatory, they also prevent accumulation of water in the body, aid digestion and metabolism, to name a few.  Aloe is very unique in that it also contains the vitamins needed to fuel the enzymes.

This “miracle” plant contains the vitamins that are responsible for teeth and bone formation and strength, muscle and heart health, maintaining a healthy nervous system, speeding up wound healing, assisting with balancing of blood sugar levels and influencing brain performance.

The minerals in Aloe are important for red blood cells and hair and skin pigment and assist with the body’s PH, they also help with nerve and muscle performance, and the trace minerals involved in cancer research experiments are also found in Aloe.

If all this was not enough, located in the sap of the leaves are compounds that stimulate your bowels and have anti-biotic properties.  These must be taken in small doses only, to avoid purging.

At this point I should point out that anything that has a purging effect on you is not safe. NEVER PURGE, unless of course you are severely constipated, but regular purging as a “cleanse” is very unsafe. This is why I do not recommend simply going outside and consuming the plant unless you are an expert.  Just like other great vitamins, there are professional companies that are qualified in properly removing the qualities of aloe and providing them to us in safe doses.  The key when choosing aloe is ensuring that the aloe is grown organically, the company is reputable and the products are approved by the International Aloe Science Council.

Aloe also has an infinite external uses, which I will list in another blog so be sure to look out for that.   

I hope this has helped clear up the whole issue of Aloe and the importance of having it every day but not just using the one from your backyard.

Yours in health

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Nutritional facts on your favorite Christmas goodies.

It may be cliche, but Knowledge is Power.  

This Christmas be sure to plan your meals so that you're not screaming when the Carnival costume gets delivered a month later. Follow us on facebook and send us your favorite recipe so we can analyse it. 

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Veggies that help with stubborn belly fat

I always struggle when I’m writing.  

How much information do they really want? 

Should I just list the vegetables to eat, which would take less than 30 seconds to read or do I explain words like xenoestrogens and phytonutrients so that they understand the science behind it.

I've decided to go with the 30 second read seeing that googling unfamiliar words is always an option, but just to recap for those of you who are new to my blogs…

The body hoards fat to protect itself against harmful chemicals; chemicals whose sources are as sneaky as drinking water and being stressed out, therefore highly unavoidable.  So trying to lose weight without losing toxins is simply put…..pointless and I dare to say dangerous.

Anywho, back to the issue at hand cuz my 30 seconds will soon be up.

Which veggies help with the stubborn belly fat?

Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, kale, bok choy, cabbage, etc. contain very specific and unique phytonutrients such as indole-3-carbinol (I3C) that help to fight against belly fat stimulating estrogenic chemicals.

So there you go... another reason to bite the dust, suck it up and eat your veggies.

If you’d like a complete list of cruciferous vegetables click here

As always, I hope this has helped get you one step closer to being a healthier, happier, leaner you.

Love always


Tuesday 14 October 2014

Carbs should account for 45% to 65% of your diet. "No carb" diets are crazy.

Many people, in an attempt to lose weight, cut out carbs from their diet without properly understanding their purpose.  In fact, I would go as far as to say, that most people are not even quite aware of what they mean when they say “no carbs.” So I will try to make this as short as I can without leaving out too much pertinent information. Hopefully this will shed light for those who engage in “no carb diets” without proper guidance.

There are three types of carbohydrates: fibre, sugars and starch.  Already you can see the folly in cutting out ALL carbs.  I think it’s safe to say that fibre is key to losing weight. In fact, the Weight-Control Information Network states that the notion that carbohydrates themselves are fattening is a myth.  Furthermore, starchy foods are highly nutritious and bring valuable benefits to a healthy diet.

Carbs should account for 45 to 65% of your diet.
It is recommended that at least half of the grains you eat are whole grains. This is equal to at least 3 ounces per day for women and men over age 50 and at least 3.5 to 4 ounces per day for younger men. Overall, carbohydrates should account for 45 to 65 percent of your diet. Based on a 2,000-calorie diet, this amounts to 900 to 1,300 calories daily or 225 to 325 grams. If you eat 1,500 calories per day, this amounts to 675 to 975 calories or 169 to 244 grams.

Opt for complex carbs such as whole grains, potatoes, lentils and beans
Carbohydrates are your body's primary fuel source. After you eat, your digestive system converts them into glucose, or blood sugar, which your body uses to energize your tissues, cells and organs. Whatever is leftover is stored in your liver and muscles for later use. As a complex carbohydrate source, starchy foods, often simply called starches, tend to be high in fiber -- a carbohydrate that promotes healthy digestive function and blood sugar control. Complex carbohydrate sources break down slower than simple carbohydrates, such as sugar and juice, providing longer-lasting energy and fullness between meals.

Foods high in starch include legumes, such as beans and lentils, vegetables, such as potatoes and butternut squash, and grains, such as rice and flour. Whole foods containing starch, including vegetables, legumes and whole grains, are valuable sources of fibre, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. One medium baked sweet potato with the peel provides over 2 grams of protein, nearly 4 grams of fibre and rich amounts of vitamin A. Legumes and whole grains also provide richer amounts of protein. Particularly nutritious whole-grain foods include brown rice, air-popped popcorn, quinoa and 100 percent whole-grain breads and cereals.

Avoid processed/refined carbs and sugars.
Not all starchy foods are chock-full of nutrients. When grains are refined to make processed foods, such as white flour and instant rice, the starchy part is removed, lessening the nutritional content significantly.  Our love for roti is probably the leading cause for the high levels of type 2 diabetes (1 in 8 Trinbago adults). To avoid weight gain, Type 2 diabetes and other risks of eating too many refined grains, limit or avoid foods that list refined grains, such as white or enriched flour, as the main ingredient. Common examples include egg noodles, saltines, pretzels, cookies, cakes and cornflakes.

Tips for choosing your carbs.

Rather than made with whole grains, make sure the label says 100% whole grain.
In the beginning until you really understand good carbs vs bad carbs, stick to items that come from the earth; created by God vs Man. Easy examples are beans, starchy veggies, provisions.
Follow me on facebook for lots more comparisons on individual beans and complete listings of good starchy foods.

Hope this helps clear up the No Carb Fad.
Lots of love


Monday 13 October 2014

Sufficient bowel movements is half the battle to a flatter stomach

I know this is a very personal topic, but it must be discussed if you are serious about weight loss.  I have said it time and time again....DO NOT USE ANYTHING THAT PURGES YOU.  The key is to get your body going off naturally and if you can achieve two to three daily movements then you're already on your way to a flatter stomach.  Here's an excerpt from an article published by RenewLife Canada. It was written by Dr. Leonard Smith M.D; Medical Adviser for Renew Life

To achieve 2 to 3 bowel movements per day, the peristaltic action of the bowel must be regular and vigorous. Peristalsis is the natural wavelike movement of the colon. This action, when functioning normally, moves food through the digestive system in less than 24 hours. There are many ways to stimulate peristalsis, but the most important way is through proper hydration of the colon. Constipation is often caused by dehydration.

The key to hydrating the colon is to drink plenty of water, and if you like, you can jump-start the peristaltic action of a sluggish colon by using hydrating minerals and gentle (non-laxative) herbs. Many "natural" products stimulate peristaltic action using herbal laxatives like cascara sagrada and senna.  Although better than being constipated, the use of these herbal laxatives is something I am strongly against, as more and more research suggest that although natural, these purgative herbs are habit forming like pharmaceutical laxatives, and they do not restore the colon's independent ability to function properly. Cascara sagrada and senna are laxative or purgative herbs. They work by irritating the colon, causing it to expel its contents. Hydration of the colon is the key to making peristalsis occur naturally, and the use of ingested water and gentle minerals and herbs is a far better solution. Magnesium hydroxide is a gentle mineral that brings water into the colon instead of purging it out. Increased hydration stimulated peristalsis naturally, unlike harsh herbs. Similarly, cape aloe and rhubarb are gentle herbs that naturally stimulate peristalsis.

The colon requires bulk in order for it to move 2 or 3 times per day. Fibre is the key, but the right kind of fibre is critical to adding proper bulk. Optimal intake for most people would be 30 to 40 grams per day. Preferably, the source of fibre should be split evenly between soluble fibre and insoluble fibre. Flax based fibre is the best, for it has a natural 50/50 split. Because it is difficult to eat 30 to 40 grams of fibre per day in your diet, many people supplement their diets with fibre products. It is important to avoid fibres that are predominantly soluble. A good example of the wrong fibre is psyllium, which is almost 100% soluble. Why is this? Psyllium absorbs 40 times its weight in water. When you take psyllium, it can absorb most of the free water in the colon, which leaves the colon dehydrated, which in turn reduces peristalsis. This is why so many people become clogged and constipated when they use a psyllium based fibre supplement. A flax fibre, which is balanced 50/50 (soluble/insoluble), give the user many benefits. It absorbs toxins and creates proper bulk in the colon without dehydrating it.

To achieve 2 to 3 bowel movements per day, lubrication of the colon is critical. There are many good oils, including flax, borage, and fish, which are very effective in providing necessary lubrication for smooth and gentle elimination. The oils not only provide the colon with the lubrication it needs to eliminate 2 to 3 times per day, but they also give the body essential fatty acids (EFA's) that can only be obtained through the diet. These EFA's are vital to most cellular functions that create good health. Because fats are difficult to digest, it is important to use an EFA product which contains lipase, a digestive enzyme that will assist in the proper breakdown and use of the oils.

These three steps (peristalsis/hydration, bulk, and lubrication) are a simple system that will result in proper daily elimination. In addition to these steps, here are some helpful hints that also create the environment for regular elimination:

- drink plenty of water

- change your diet slowly, adding more fruits and vegetables, especially organic ones. Supplement with a good daily fibre. Lower the amount of refined starches, Sugar and processed foods in your diet.
- Take digestive enzymes with your meals
- Exercise! If not daily, then at least 3 times per week for 30 minutes.
- Lubricate the colon by taking essential fatty acids in oils such as flax, borage, and fish.
- When traveling, try to maintain a normal diet and regular sleep schedule.
- Create time to go to the bathroom in the morning even it if means getting up a little earlier than usual.
- Position yourself correctly when using the toilet. Keep the feet raised on a telephone book or a device designed for proper eliminative posture. (I know, I’m asking a bit much now)
- Do bi-annual cleanses using herbal combinations designed to support overall body and intestinal detoxification.
- Use colon hydrotherapy/hydration.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Sizzle up your shake with these fabulous recipes

Give your body the nutrients it needs with two daily Forever Lite shakes, which provide 100% of the RDI (Reference Daily Intake) of vitamins and minerals, as well as proteins for body building and cell growth and repair. Each shake contains 18 amino acids (including 8 essentials) and trace elements including iron, selenium, chromium and iodine, providing your body with soluble and insoluble fiber. We've also added the antioxidant Beta Carotene and vitamins A and E to help protect against free radicals. Forever Lite is a great-tasting, nutritionally sound meal replacement.
2 Forever Lite shakes have 100% of the RDI of vitamins and minerals. Shake your way to fitness with this assortment of healthy, tasty meal replacements that your whole family can enjoy!
Taste of Freedom
1 scoop Vanilla Forever Lite
4 oz. Forever Freedom
4 oz. orange juice
Crushed ice
Blend until smooth
180 calories
Peaches n' Berries
1 scoop Vanilla Forever Lite
4 oz. Aloe Bits n' Peaches
5 oz. skim milk
1/2 cup frozen raspberries or strawberries
Crushed ice
225 calories
Oatmeal Delight
1 scoop Vanilla Forever Lite
1 tbsp. Forever Bee Honey
or brown sugar
2 tbsp. instant oats
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
10 oz. skim milk or water
300 calories
Spicy Double Dutch Chocolate
1 scoop Chocolate Forever Lite
10 oz. hot skim milk
1/4 tsp. ginger
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. cloves
1 tbsp. unflavored gelatin
Blend until smooth
200 calories
Just Peachy
1 scoop Vanilla Forever Lite
10 oz. skim milk
1 fresh peach
1/2 tsp. peach extract
Crushed ice
Blend until smooth
240 calories
Dream Cream
1 scoop Vanilla Forever Lite
6 oz. fresh orange juice
4 oz. natural sparkling
mineral water
Crushed ice
Blend until smooth
175 calories
Berry Strawberry
1 scoop Vanilla Forever Lite
6 oz. natural sparkling
mineral water
4-6 strawberries
Crushed ice
Blend until smooth
140 calories
Choco-Nana Chunk
1 scoop Chocolate Forever Lite
8 oz. cold skim milk
1/2 banana
Crushed ice
Blend until smooth
255 calories
Almond Mocha Creme
1 scoop Vanilla Forever Lite
10 oz. skim milk
2-3 drops almond extract
2-3 drops rum extract
Blend until smooth
200 calories
Buttery Mint
1 scoop Vanilla Forever Lite
10 oz. skim milk
1 tsp. Forever Bee Honey
2-3 drops butter extract
2-3 drops mint extract
Crushed ice
Blend until smooth
225 calories
Forever Colada
1 scoop Vanilla Forever Lite
10 oz. skim milk
1/2 tsp. coconut extract
1/2 tsp. rum extract
1/2 tsp. Forever Bee Honey
Crushed ice
Blend until smooth
235 calories
After Eight
1 scoop Chocolate Forever Lite
8 oz. skim milk
Fresh mint leaf
Crushed ice
Blend until smooth
200 calories
Forever Fruit
1 scoop Vanilla Forever Lite
10 oz. skim milk
1/2 banana
3 fresh strawberries
1 tsp. crushed pineapple
1 tsp. orange juice
Crushed ice
Blend until smooth
290 calories
Banana Nut Creme
1 scoop Vanilla Forever Lite
10 oz. skim milk
1-2 drops banana extract
1-2 drops black walnut extract
Crushed ice
Blend until smooth
200 calories
Hawaiian Style
1 scoop Vanilla Forever Lite
4 oz. Aloe Vera Gel or Freedom
4 oz. Pineapple juice
1/2 c. fresh or frozen pineapple, berries, or other fruit
Crushed ice
Blend until smooth
230 calories
Orchard Morning
1 scoop Vanilla Forever Lite
1 cup apple juice
1/2 cup in-season fresh fruit
1 cup low-fat, plain yogurt
1 tsp. Forever Bee Honey
1 Forever Bee Pollen tablet, crushed
Crushed ice
Blend until smooth
370 calories
Tropical Blast
1 scoop Vanilla Forever Lite
4 oz. skim milk
1 tsp. Forever Bee Honey
1/2 banana
1/4 cup shredded coconut
Crushed ice
Blend until smooth
340 calories
Vanilla Coconut
1 scoop Vanilla Forever Lite
10 oz. skim milk
2-3 drops coconut extract
or shredded coconut* 2-3 drops vanilla extract
Crushed ice
Blend until smooth
200 calories
* add 45 calories per 1 1/2 tbsp.
shredded coconut
Nut Fudge Drink
1 scoop Chocolate Forever Lite
10 oz. skim milk
1 tsp. Forever Bee Honey
1-2 drops black walnut extract
Crushed ice
Blend until smooth
225 calories
Chocolate Almond Fudge
1 scoop Chocolate Forever Lite
10 oz. skim milk
2-3 drops coconut extract
or shredded coconut
2-3 drops almond extract
Crushed ice
Blend until smooth
200 calories
Holiday Eggnog
1 scoop Vanilla Forever Lite
10 oz. hot or cold skim milk
1 tsp. Forever Bee Honey
1-2 drops eggnog extract
1-2 drops brandy extract
1-2 drops rum extract
1-2 drops vanilla extract
Crushed ice
Blend until smooth
225 calories
Smooth n' Fruity
1 scoop Vanilla Forever Lite
1 cup apple or orange juice
1/2 banana
1 cup lowfat plain yogurt
Crushed ice
Blend until smooth
355 calories
Fruit n' Honey
1 scoop Vanilla Forever Lite
8 oz. apple juice
1/2 c. frozen or fresh fruit
1 tsp. Forever Bee Honey
Crushed ice
Blend until smooth
250 calories
Red Cherry Delight
1 scoop Vanilla Forever Lite
10 oz. skim milk
1 tsp. cherry extract
Dash of nutmeg
Crushed ice
Blend until smooth
200 calories
Cherry Brandy Creme
1 scoop Vanilla Forever Lite
10 oz. skim milk
1 tsp. Forever Bee Honey
1-2 drops cherry extract
1-2 drops brandy extract
Crushed ice
Blend until smooth
225 calories
Tropical Dream
1 scoop Vanilla Forever Lite
8 oz. orange juice
1/2 cup crushed pineapple
1/2 banana
Crushed ice
Blend until smooth
300 calories
Chocolate-Covered Orange
1 scoop Chocolate Forever Lite
10 oz. skim milk
1-2 drops chocolate extract
1-2 drops orange extract
Crushed ice
Blend until smooth
200 calories
Mocha De-Lite
1 scoop Vanilla Forever Lite
10 oz. skim milk
Instant coffee powder or syrup
1/2 banana
Crushed ice
Blend until smooth
255 calories
Choco-Berry Nut
1 scoop Chocolate
Forever Lite
10 oz. skim milk
3-4 strawberries
1 tsp. peanut butter
Crushed ice
Blend until smooth
300 calories
Butterscotch Swirl
1 scoop Vanilla Forever Lite
10 oz. skim milk
2 tsp butterscotch flavoring
Crushed ice
Blend until smooth
200 calories
All-Spiced Up
1 scoop Chocolate Forever Lite
10 oz. skim milk
Dash of all-spice
1/2 banana
Crushed ice
Blend until smooth
255 calories
Peanut Butter Power Treats
1/2 cup Chocolate or Vanilla Forever Lite
1 cup natural peanut butter
1/2 cup of your choice:
  • fresh coconut
  • granola or oatmeal
  • raisins
Mix and roll into 1" balls for a handy
Calories will vary per added ingredients.

A look inside the Clean 9 Kit

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Benefits of doing the Clean 9 other than weight loss

The main ingredient in our 9 day cleanse is our best seller, Aloe Vera Drinking Gel.  While it is not sold for it's taste or packaging.  It is clear why 50% of our US 2.7 billion dollars worth of sales is attributed to this bad boy.  Forever Living Products owns more than 80% of the world's cultivated Aloe. We do not sell it to anyone. It is used for our consumption only.  This drink is as close as you will get to drinking the real thing.  Just in case your grannie did not tell you the benefits of Aloe, read on below.

Aloe was used by Cleopatra in her daily beauty regime.  Gandhi was quoted as saying his secret to long life is praying everyday and drinking Aloe and Alexander the Great conquered an entire island just for the Aloe.  Mentioned in the Bible and the Quran; clearly this is clearly not a new discovery.

Over 70% of our immune system is in our gut.  So it stands to reason that having a healthy gut is a huge part of being healthy and Aloe is the best natural gut cleaner there is.  It is also a natural anti-inflammatory and "itis" means inflamed. That means EVERYTHING ending in "itis" can be soothed by Aloe. Diverticulitis, Gastritis, Arthritis, Sinusitis and the list goes on. Not to mention bloated intestines, imagine having Aloe pass through them and soothe while doing so, voila, bloating over.

In my personal experience the first thing I noticed was sleeping better.  Prior to drinking the Gel I tossed and turned all night.  Now I sleep like a baby.  One of my customers who did the Clean 9 for weight loss purposes said she slept a full ten hours straight for the first time in over ten years.  So who do you know who has insomnia?

I've also played hockey for the last fifteen years and most of it was played in pain.  Starting with a back injury very young, then torn ligaments and constant shin and groin injuries.  This year I was asked to help out and went back in the goal without any form of training.  It's been two months and I have never felt so good. I have NEVER played so pain free before.  Who do you with joint/sports injuries? Now keep in mind that I have been drinking this every morning for the last 2 years.  So please do not expect ten years of arthritis to be gone in three bottles, especially at the minimum dose.

Aloe is such a great cocktail of nutrients, honestly the list will go on much longer than I can type.  Doing the Clean 9 will almost drown your body in this precious plant.  Your absorption will be improved, therefore making your food intake more efficient.  Your meds (if on any) will be more effectively absorbed as well, helping it to work better.  I have even had customers attribute their pregnancies to having done the Clean 9.

Your skin will glow, your energy levels will soar, your overall health will improve and any excess weight you have will shed.  Can you find one good reason why you shouldn't cleanse?  I definitely can't think of one.

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Frequently Asked Questions on our 9 day cleanse

I’m interested in cleansing but I do not have weight to lose. I am already slim. I do not want to disappear.
If you have no weight to lose, you will not lose weight.  In fact getting rid of toxins helps the body absorb all the nutrients that may have previously been wasted.  The first two days of the programme is crucial and you have to stick to those, after that you may increase your calorie intake during days 3 to 9 if you are worried about weight loss.

Can I have the meal at lunch rather than dinner?
Sure you can, swap out the entire slot though. Move the entire lunch regime to dinner and the entire dinner regime to lunch.

I cannot eat the entire 600 calorie meal in one go. Can I split it?
I would avoid doing it but if you are like me and barely eat 600 calories even not on the Clean 9 then yes. Split into no more than two though.  Light snack (200 calories) and have the rest of the 400 calories at dinner) or lunch if you are making the swap).

I am lactose intolerant; can I mix the shake with water?
Milk has calories and nutrients that are vital so I would suggest a lactose free option such as rice milk or soya maybe.  I do have customers who have used water though, but again, not the first option.

Will I be glued to the toilet?
Other than to constantly pass urine constantly, no.  In fact the Gracinia has iron in it and can constipate you if your water intake in not sufficient.  For those prone to constipation make sure to order a pro-biotic as well.  Our bodies were not meant to purge. I attended a meeting at Cancer Society where it was actually mentioned that colon cancer is on the rise because people purge so often in an attempt to lose weight.

The book says 4ozs of aloe and 8ozs of water. Do they mean to mix the two?
NO!!!  Shoot the aloe straight. Block your nose and one big gulp. Then have your water. I find that it is easier to sip the water throughout the day rather than gulp 80zs after gulping the aloe.  Water is the secret ingredient though; the more water, the easier the programme.

Does the products contain animal gelatin?
The Garcinia’s capsule is made with beef gelatin. You can simply open the capsule and swallow the powdered contents.

I am allergic to honey, will I be able to take the bee pollen?
You may or may not. If you are deadly allergic I won’t even test it. You can replace the Bee Pollen with Gin-Chia.  It is a few dollars more, so speak to your distributor.

Can I do the Clean 9 while breast feeding?
You will have to do it without the Garcinia, which is your appetite suppressant. Of course, you still need to pass it by your doctor first, but I know of many that have gotten the all clear and made it through without the Garcinia.

Does the Clean 9 clash with any meds?
Yes, if you are on meds for high blood pressure. Make sure to consult your doctor. You can omit the Garcinia just as nursing women do. Again, make sure to consult your doctor. We are not doctors; we are only trained in our products.

I am very heavy, how can I still exercise as recommended?
There are many exercises that you can do if you are very heavy. You can get yourself a noodle and go for a walk in the pool.  A stroll in the park is still exercise. Do not fall into the trap that because you are not sweating and running like crazy you are doing nothing.  A little movement is better than no movement. Do not be pressured into exercising that you are pressured right out of it.  I personally work out alone for that very reason. I rather do 1 minute of intense work out than do none. If a minute is all I can make then that’s what I’d do.  Eventually I will reach to five minutes and then to ten.  You can do it. We will help!

I cannot afford the entire Clean 9, what are my other options?
Well to be honest, if you still think you can’t afford it then you have not done enough research into the cost of being overweight or overtoxined.  How much weight did you lose last year and how much did you spend throughout the entire year trying? How much do you spend on meds for allergies, meds for sleeping disorders, meds for everything else that comes with being un-healthy?

There are those that genuinely cannot afford a basic meal much less being healthy, for those we suggest getting a group together and your distributor will come by and do a product presentation for you; two or three if needed. The commission from any sales made in those evenings is yours to count towards your Clean 9.

And of course there is also the gift certificate. Get a few friends to give you small certificates and they all add up.

What’s the next step? How do I make sure to keep off the weight?
The next step will depend on you. Have a chat with your distributor and they will suggest the best way forward based on your needs and your budget.  I do not move forward with anyone unless they continue to drink the Aloe.  Many people like using the meal replacement shake as maintenance or the Garcinia.  Understanding that toxins are the root cause of fat will help you understand why the Aloe must be your first point of maintenance. You must keep your body clean first and then add any other product to your maintenance regime.  I take pride in my work. I love when my customers can give my name after someone has asked what they have been doing.  If you use my stuff incorrectly and do not get the results then you will give me a bad name ultimately.


Monday 3 February 2014

Pre-Cleanse advice

1. Cut right back on caffeine and booze - it is the withdrawal from these that can cause headaches in the first few days - if you can stop completely for at least 4 days before that would be better

 2. Start doing the 30 minutes exercise a day (or more) for at least 5-7 days before you start to get into the habit of it.

3. Up your water intake to 2 litres a day, you can do this by replacing hot drinks with hot water and lemon and taking a 1 litre bottle of water to work. ALWAYS start your day by drinking a large glass of water.
4. Practice making some 600 calorie or lower meals for days 3-9

5. Get use to the taste of aloe: the kit contains enough aloe for you to drink 2ozs every morning for 3 days before you start.

6. Gradually increase your bee pollen intake to reach the suggested amount. ¼ three times a day… ½ three times a day. ..1 three times a day… Start Clean 9.

5. Girls…Start just after your period. 

Our nine day cleanse in a snap shot

Our Clean 9 is a 9 day plan whereby your body is gently cleansed of harmful

chemicals and built up waste matter .

The 1st 2 days require will power like any other diet! You only have what’s provided

in the pack,  plus skimmed milk, and NO food for the 1st 2 days, however,

you do have a thick nutritious, filling, vanilla or chocolate shake - so it’s not like you

have nothing.  The shake contains all the right balance of vitamins, minerals,

carbohydrates and proteins that  you need to ensure that you are totally supported

nutritionally throughout.

The initial ‘cleanse’ is a result of drinking a small amount of pure Aloe Vera gel drink 4 times per day, which again is packed with over 78 nutrients naturally and gently cleanses the body - promoting a healthy gut and regulating/boosting your metabolism.

The plan also contains 2 supplements to help you cope. ‘Garcinia’, which helps to quell the appetite and reduce cravings so that you don't feel like you need to snack or binge. N.B The least common thing that people feel on Clean 9 is hunger!

The other supplement is Bee Pollen which is a nutritional super food in itself boasting a mega dose of vitamins and minerals to give you a boost. Bee pollen has been nick named 'legal speed' due to its super energy giving qualities!

30 minutes of exercise per day is recommended, even if it’s a walk!

The plan comes with a complete guide and meal planner and you would have my total support throughout. I
will contact you regularly to ensure you are doing well and that you are on track to hit your weight loss goal. You will have my contact number as well so you can contact me at any time. You will also have access to our private face book group for additional support.

The plan enables you too safely lose around 7-14lb, although results vary from person to person!

It is endorsed by doctors as a sensible safe plan and is nutritionally sound thanks to it being developed by a nutritionist.

The best part is, you'll feel amazing after! Full of energy and life, your skin will glow and you’ll feel ‘clean’. You'll achieve a new attitude towards food and dieting plus, the weight will stay off thanks to it not being a crash diet

Is our excess fat just trying to save us from deadly diseases?

Although it may seem strange - fat is actually saving your life! The body retains fats as a way to protect the vital organs in the body from the toxins that we ingest (and create through stress). It is literally a last resort, life saving action to hang on to fat. However, this should give you some indication as to how harmful these toxins must be as to retain fat as a defense mechanism the bod...y must be fairly desperate - as we all know - excess fat leads to a whole host of other degenerative conditions and diseases!

Even though the body is constantly in a flux of its own cleansing, due to the modern diet, our heightened daily stresses, the toxic chemicals we ingest daily, many times subconsciously, and the increase in chronic degenerative diseases the body often needs a helping hand to be cleansed so that it can work more effectively to eradicate these toxins from the body. When we cleanse the body of toxins, we give the body a chance to repair and strengthen itself - and when the toxins disappear, guess what happens to the protective layer of fat...yes, that disappears too!

Our nine day aloe based cleanse provides a safe, natural, non-purgative method of cleansing the body. Many of our clients have lost as much as three inches of their waist using the programme. In 2013 alone our support group grew by one thousand persons, all attesting to the fact that our cleanse has helped their insomnia, diabetes , skin and overall health. Free advice and ongoing support is provided to all our customers. If you would like more information we’d be delighted to have a private chat with you at your convenience or you can inbox us. Here’s to a happy, healthy 2014!